8 Easy Tips to Keeping Your Pup Happy and Healthy

Having a puppy is an exciting and fun experience, but with this responsibility, one will also have to ensure that the puppies grow up happy and healthy.

Specific preventative measures must be taken to keep your puppy well, and you will also need to spend plenty of time to bond with them.

Here are some tips to keep your puppy growing up well and joyful.

Regular Check-Ups

Book an appointment with your vet at least once a year to conduct a full wellness test for your puppy.

These exams and tests can help vets spot warning signs for illnesses and detect other diseases early for more effective treatments.

If you find your dog acting differently or suspect that something may be wrong, go to the vet immediately as well.

Regular check-ups will help you to understand what is normal for your pup, and what is not.

Exercise Your Pup

Puppies have plenty of energy, and you can help them use it by bringing them on walks and hikes.

You can also extend these exercises to swimming, playing fetch, and various other activities to keep your puppies engaged physically and mentally.

On this note, you can try building obstacle courses and teach your puppy new tricks to serve as mentally stimulating physical activities.

Proper Nutrition

Feed your puppy the right amount and type of  healthy dog food  to meet their nutritional needs. Proper diets are essential to prevent obesity-related illnesses for your puppy.

The right amount of nutrition also extends your puppy’s lifespan. Check with your vet if you are unsure whether your puppy will need any supplements.

Your vet will also be able to advise on suitable types of treats, how much to give, and other relevant feeding information.

Spend Time Playing with Your Pup

You will need to show your puppy some love and affection as they grow up. Spend some time every day to bond with your puppy so that they will grow up with a strong bond to you.

Give your puppy belly rubs, talk to them, and play with them when they bring you their favourite toy.

Puppies could be less playful as they grow up, so play with them more while you still can.

Maintain Good Oral Hygiene

Get a toothbrush for your puppy and brush his teeth regularly to help prevent periodontal diseases.

Just as brushing our teeth helps us to keep our breath smelling fresh, brushing your puppy’s teeth will also help to remove oral odours after they eat.

You can also maintain your puppy’s oral health by giving them dental treats which are designed to improve their oral health.

Socialize with Other Animals

Your puppy is still learning how to react or behave around other people and animals. Bring them around to socialize, especially between the age of a few weeks old and 18 weeks old.

You can bring them to dog parks, walk them around your neighbourhood, or visit your family and friends.

Their learning from socializing during this critical period will decrease their odds of becoming antisocial or overly aggressive when they are grown up. Your puppy will be happier with friends around them as well.

Spay or Neuter

Spaying or neutering your pets does a lot more than preventing them from producing offspring. It can also help to reduce unwanted breeding-related behaviours from both male and female dogs later in life, such as urine spraying, aggression, or more.

Getting your dogs neutered can also prevent certain types of cancers and diseases, extending their life expectancy.

Regular Grooming

Puppies are prone to getting parasites and other skin afflictions. Brush your puppy’s hair several times a week, bathe him regularly, and trim his nails to track changes in their skin and fur.

When you groom your dog regularly, you may find problems such as dandruff, bald patches, or even some suspicious-looking bumps on their skin.

Bring these issues to your vet and ask them about the best ways to groom your dogs from home if you are unsure.
